Look at Life Vol 01 Transport Sailing the Sky 1959

Comments from Andrew Hulme: “I have a vague recollection that the filming was somehow organised by Alex,but why I am not sure, given his occupation as a barrister for HMRC andgiven I was only 14 or so at the time. The winch was the Brute, (ex military Canadian Ford) . Note the Cambridgeregistration JER 188 …

Bluebell flies again

Bluebell was our mainstay for instructing for many years, after she was supplied new in 1950 to Cambridge University Gliding Club (now Cambridge Gliding Club).  (New price £587.0s.0d). She has racked up nearly 80000 (yes eighty thousand!) launches and something like 10500 flying hours. Since then, she has had various periods of little or no …