Look at Life Vol 01 Transport Sailing the Sky 1959

Comments from Andrew Hulme: “I have a vague recollection that the filming was somehow organised by Alex,but why I am not sure, given his occupation as a barrister for HMRC andgiven I was only 14 or so at the time. The winch was the Brute, (ex military Canadian Ford) . Note the Cambridgeregistration JER 188 …

Getting to the club

Once you’ve arrived at the main gate on the B1046, there’s still over a mile of farm track and then the old airfield perimiter road to navigate before arriving at the clubhouse. Please follow this route as it ensures you won’t come into conflict with landing or launching gliders, but do also keep a good …

Bronze Badge exam preparation

Exam Structure The Bronze exam has 10 sections, each with 12 multiple-choice questions (for a total of 120 questions): For a detailed list of the sub-topics in each section, see pages 49 & 50 of “Part FCL for Glider Pilots”, available here: http://www.egu-info.org/dwnl/Part%20FCL%20for%20glider%20pilots.pdf The pass mark is 75% in each section (i.e. 9 correct answers to …

CGC and the Blustery Day

I turned up at the airfield on a day when flying did not seem likely. The forecast had not seemed promising the previous evening and the actual weather on the drive up to Gransden Lodge airfield seem to bear this out. I looked at the windsock at Duxford aerodrome as I drove past it in …

Track Maintenance

Though winds were far too strong for gliding, conditions for track maintenance were considered good. At last the gravel track has dried out and attention could be given to filling the more significant holes. Five members of the regular team off loaded four trailer loads of planings during the day. Another date will be found …

Last flight of the day

At the end of a long hot summer day flying the call the Launch Marshall and winch driver are waiting to her is this. “Gransden Lodge, K21 Kilo Foxtrot Yankee, landing long on 04, gear is fixed.” as it means it’s the last flight of the day and the glider will land much further down …