AIM HIGHER Soaring and Cross-country Ground School – Saturday 21st March

We are planning a ground school which will be of particular interest to early solo pilots keen to develop their soaring and cross-country skills.

Gliding’s tradition of self-teaching of soaring skills can be a slow process.  Many pilots (myself included!) take years to build up the knowhow and practical skills to soar reliably and go cross-country confidently despite studying the best books available.

The good news is that the BGA’s initiative, Aim Higher, can hugely accelerate this process.  

I have worked over the last few years with Kevin Atkinson, Aim Higher’s lead coach, and you may have seen our coaching articles in S&G.  Aim Higher’s teaching materials go further than any text book I’ve seen in explaining how thermals work, how to find them, and how to centre and climb efficiently.   

Our ground school agenda (09.30am – 4pm) will focus on the following topics:

1. How the sky works when thermals are working

2. How to read the sky/ground

3. Flying techniques between thermals, entering a thermal, and working a thermal

4. How the sky works when streets form

5. Staying safe when soaring

6. How to use different days to develop soaring skills and early cross-country skills


If you would like to attend the ground school day, please respond to:

There will be a charge of £5 for this event to cover course materials.
If you have any questions about the course, please contact:

Thank you for your interest, and I look forward to seeing you.

Best wishes
Tony Cronshaw